Monday, January 27, 2020

The freedom of cyberspace

The freedom of cyberspace Discuss how the Internet, in its guise as ‘cyberspace’, has allowed its users to operate in a world that is seen by some people as being a new world of freedom and creative opportunities while others see it as a dumping ground for businesses and smut. IntroductionIn this essay I shall discuss how the Internet, in its guise as ‘cyberspace’, has allowed its users to operate in a world that is seen by some people as being a new world of freedom and creative opportunities while others see it as a dumping ground for businesses and smut. I shall introduce what cyberspace is and how it came to be, examine the main arguments for it being labelled as a creative tool that introduces freedom to the world, investigate the criticisms of those who champion cyberspace and analyse how both sets of arguments relate to ideas about technology, society and culture.   In my conclusion I hope to be able to offer an insight into whether cyberspace has developed into a powerful tool for creative freedom, or into a weapon in the arsenal of big business. CyberspaceThe term ‘cyberspace’ was first used by science-fiction writer William Gibson in his 1984 novel Neuromancer.   He described it is a futuristic computer network that people use by plugging their minds into it.   This term now refers to the Internet and lends a romantic image to a world where an almost limitless pool of information can be plucked from a network of computers and computer users around the world.   The Internet was originally developed for the US military but was recognised as the perfect system to transfer and share information for academic research.   The World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, with the first working system deployed in 1990, while he was working at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research).   The introduction of the World Wide Web allowed the public to access huge amounts of data and it has now become an accepted way to receive and send information.   The World Wide Web is just one service that the Internet provides; a layman’s analogy is of the Internet being the transportation of the World Wide Web’s content.   With cyberspace being made up of more than 100 million computers in more than 100 countries it is almost impossible to fathom how much information there is available to the user.   New Frontier   Cyberspace has been able to offer its users and its contributors a vast arena to ‘play’ with.   The rules and regulations of structured information providers such as the press do not apply to most of the content available online.   This affords the Internet a creative freedom that has never before been seen.   In an article in 2000, journalist Mary Flanagan stated that: â€Å"Technology allows us an alternate space within which we can invent unique methods of telling stories, forming identities, and remembering.†   This alternate space that Flanagan refers to is typifies the romantic view of cyberspace; it is a world in which a person can break free from the shackles of the everyday world and become someone different where they are able to enjoy the freedom of creating a new identity, a new work of art or even a conspiracy theory that they would not have imagined constructing in the ‘real world’.   Sherry Turkle describes th is as â€Å"People who live parallel lives on the screen are nevertheless bound by the desires, pain and mortality of their physical selves.   Virtual communities offer a dramatic new context in which to think about human identity in the age of the Internet†Ã‚   In her introduction to the reader author Rosanne Alluquere Stone reveals that â€Å"†¦engaging in social intercourse by means of communication technologies has given me increasing opportunities to watch others try on their own alternative personae†¦ there are some out at the margins who have always lived comfortably with the idea of floating identities, and inward from the margins there are a few who are beginning, just a bit, to question.†Ã‚   This questioning hints at the notion that under a veil of secrecy the truth can be surfaced without retribution.   Perhaps the most famous advocate of this was Oscar Wilde when he wrote: â€Å"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.† In this new frontier the Internet user can find information on any subject they wish to.   This information is not static like the printed words of a book found in a library, but it is â€Å"organic, open, ubiquitous and creative.†Ã‚   In the words of social commentator Annie Turner: â€Å"†¦it has turned into the eighth wonder of the world because it has not been regulated, because anyone can put up a website, because it can be all things to all people, because it has changed the way we work, are educated and play.†   The fact that content is not regulated attracts more people to it on a daily basis.   These new users can then become contributors by simple interaction; be it an acknowledgment of what they have read in a user forum (a dedicated area on the Internet where people can discuss any subject matter, originally called Bulletin Board Systems) to creating a brand new website dealing with the subject matter.   This process demonstrates the organic str ucture of the Internet and how it has become such an important source of information across the globe. The Internet allows freedom to share information and ideas.   The vast abyss that is cyberspace can be explored by almost anyone who has access to a modem and a computer (and more recently this can also include mobile phones, televisions and even refrigerators!)   People can add their thoughts and ideas to the Internet and these can then be shared amongst a mass audience.   This process of sharing ideas is the backbone of the Internet.   One of the contributing reasons for the popularity of cyberspace is the freedom to share knowledge with others.   This ideal has been argued against by groups that feel that the Internet should be regulated but a case for its defence can be traced back to the third US president Thomas Jefferson who wrote: â€Å"That ideas should be freely spread from one to another over the globe, for the moral and mutual instruction of man and improvement of his condition seems to have been peculiarly and benevolently designed by nature when she made them like fire, expansible over all space without lessening their density at any point, and, like the air, incapable of confinement or exclusive appropriation. Inventions, then, cannot in nature be a subject of property.†Ã‚   This was written almost 200 years ago and is still poignant today.   This freedom of information is the backbone of democracy (although it can be argued that this no longer exists in its truest from) and relates to the fluidity of the Internet. Another way in which cyberspace can be seen as a platform for creative expression is when it is used as a device to disclose information that would normally be guarded by political parties.   This ability to release information may be taken for granted in the West where tabloid headlines can seemingly uncover storylines that would be more suited in pulp fiction novels, but in suppressed countries such as Burma and China this medium has proved to be a tool to spread news that would never allowed to be broadcast by its governments.   It has been reported that China is the biggest abuser of Internet freedom.   The government has censored several hundred thousand websites and, according to Amnesty International, has jailed 61 people accused of using the Internet to spread anti-Communist propaganda.   An interesting fact is that Yahoo! (an American-based Internet company) has adapted its search engine to filter out content unpalatable to the Chinese government; subjects as inflamm atory as Taiwan independence and democracy will not be found on a network supplied in China.   In addition to this, Amnesty International has accused Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Cisco, Nortel and Websense of helping authorities track down people posting pro-democracy and other similarly subversive material online.   CriticismsThe main criticisms of those who champion cyberspace are based on the content of what can be found online.   Some argue that there are subjects that should not be disclosed to the population whilst others complain that the facts are diluted at best, and completely missing in some cases. In an article in the New Statesman, Andrew Brown reported that: â€Å"There are two general truths about attitudes to censoring the Internet. The first is that hardly anyone admits to favouring it in principle. The second is that whoever you are, and however libertarian, it should never take more than five minutes at the keyboard to find something you believe should be removed from the net, and its perpetrators locked up in a criminal lunatic asylum.†Ã‚   This view is hard to ignore as any Internet user can find themselves in a harem of unsuitable websites.   These sites could include pornography, neo-Nazism, torture, etc.   However, the freedom of cyberspace protects these sites just as it protects the rights of suppressed citizens to air their comments.   The content of a website should be approached in a subjective manner and a liberal pinch of salt should be taken with each sentence.   The most substantial argument against the freedom of cyberspace has always been about pornography.   Pornography is the biggest generator of traffic on the Internet and the latest trend of providing pornography direct to a mobile phone has witnessed commercial breaks on some mainstream digital television channels flooded with semi-naked women selling images directly to the customer.   This saturation has thrown up the argument that â€Å"†¦the freedom the internet potentially brings is more under threat from some grasping commercial companies who provide access to it than governments who seek to control that access.† This threat from big business shows a shift in power over how business and the Internet work in conjunction with each other.   It was suggested by Manuel Castells only three years ago that: â€Å"It would not be fanciful to say that the Internet transformed business as much, if not more, than business transformed the Internet.† It is not all about the simple exploitation of bodies that has brought objections to the way that the Internet works.   Because there are no real rules or regulations to conform to there will always be content that is considered to be so inaccurate that if it was released in the national press there would be an immediate libel case.   This lack of quality control can hinder the savviest Internet user when a trusted source has included information that may have been gathered from a secondary, unreliable source.   Such an inclusion will therefore render that piece as being factually incorrect.   This modern take of ‘Chinese Whispers’ has infected a large percentage of information to be found in cyberspace and as such its opponents’ views of it being an inappropriate use of knowledge can be appreciated, and their calls to regulate its content empathised with. Technology, Society CultureThe technology that is now available to the public has grown in a remarkable way since the early 1990’s and this has allowed access to the Internet for the masses (but it has still to reach the Third World nations).   Ã‚  Castells realised the link between technological breakthroughs and the Internet when he wrote that â€Å"The culture of the Internet is a culture made up of technocratic belief in the progress of humans through technology†¦Ã¢â‚¬    A growing concern, and one that has developed over the last twenty years, is that it is the younger generation that have accepted this technology and it is they who can fully appreciate the choice on offer.   The ‘establishment’, such as governments, are mainly run by people over the age of fifty.   Their grasp of new technology is repeatedly outdated and the fear of ‘losing touch’ with the youth is highlighted by the need to own a website in an attempt to speak t he same language.   However, this language is updated on a daily basis and miscommunication can lead to a lack of understanding on both sides.   In an attempt to stop this from happening it is not impossible to see governments, or leading businesses, curbing the development of technology to have more control over its destination. Society therefore drives the world of cyberspace.   It appears in its current state because that is how it has been formed by its users.   The information that is available has been posted into the realms of the Internet by people like us, for people like us.   Castells writes that: â€Å"Technological systems are socially produced.   Social production is culturally informed.   The Internet is no exception.   The culture of the producers of the Internet shaped the medium.†   This cultural development affords the Internet to continue growing with any facet available to those who want it.   It has allowed for an intellectual, utopian culture where it is up to the individual to determine what they want to see and what they choose to ignore.   This is a culture in society which can grow intellectually, but only if it recognises that not all they read is true.   It therefore begs the question whether or not a society can blossom if a main source of information i s not monitored to be accurate.   Donna Haraway writes about the ‘Network Theory’,a theory proposed in the 1970s by the Nobel Prize-winning immunologist Niels Jerne.   He hypothesised an immune system that was self-regulated.   Edward Golub explains that the network theory â€Å"Differs from other immunological thinking because it endows the immune system with the ability to regulate itself using only itself.† This theory can be viewed within the structure of the Internet where the organic nature of cyberspace is continuously updated and added to by its own infrastructure; its users and contributors. Conclusion  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Internet is a vast and powerful tool and as such it is there to be used or abused by anyone with access.   The arguments that the Internet should be regulated are important and should not be completely ignored.   The power that some governments and big business corporations have over the flow of information is very real and this is something that should be examined closely.   However, picking out certain aspects from cyberspace to be scrutinised will open a precedent for all content to be regulated.   This could then lead to a misuse of power and the freedom of creative input could draw to a halt.   Haraway expressed her concerns about this exploitation and the ways in which new technology can be hijacked for anti-social use: â€Å"The new communications technologies are fundamental to the eradication of ‘public life’ for everyone.   This facilitates the mushrooming of a permanent high-tech military establishment at the cul tural and economic expense of most people†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It is my belief that the ability to take on board information and decide whether to accept it on your own terms is far more important to personal and social development than being told what you can or cannot digest.   As such I believe that the World Wide Web, the Internet, cyberspace, or whatever moniker it falls under does constitute a new world of freedom and creative opportunities and the fact that it is not regulated by self-appointed censors should be applauded and defended.   In the words of Rosanna Stone: â€Å"In the space between [immense threat and immense promise] lies the path to our adventure at the dawn of the virtual age, the adventure which belongs to our time and which is ours alone.† Bibliography Brown, Andrew (1999) The Limits of Freedom – Censoring the Internet and Offensive Internet Sites New Statesman (12 February 1999 Issue)Burton, Graeme (2002) More than Meets the Eye (Third Edition) Arnold PublishingCastells, Manuel (2002) The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business and Society Oxford University Press Clark, Robert (2005) Time to Curb Net Censorship Support Telecom Asia (January 2005 Issue)Curran, James (2000) Mass Media and Society Arnold Publishing Danson, Lawrence (1998) Wilde’s Intentions: The Artist in His Criticism Clarendon Press Flanagan, Mary (2000) Navigating the Narrative in Space: Gender and Spatiality in Virtual Worlds Art Journal (Fall Issue 2000)Golub, Edward S. (1987) Immunology: A Synthesis Sunderland Haraway, Donna J. (1991) Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature Free Association Books McCullagh, Ciaran (2002) Media Power PalgraveStone, Rosanne Alluquere (1996) The War of Desire and Technology at the Close o f the Mechanical Age Cambridge MIT Turkle, Sherry (1996) Life on the Screen; Identity in the Age of the Internet Weidenfeld Nicolson Turner, Annie (2002) Censorship and the Internet: Just Where is the Real Threat to Internet Freedom Coming From? Communicate Magazine (June 2002 Issue)Letter addressed to Isaac McPherson written on 13 August 1813 from Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Drama diary on movement Essay

Today in our drama workshop we investigated movement and physical action in drama. We carried out many different exercises to help us establish the importance of movement and how it should be used effectively. To communicate plot, and characters relationships to the audience. Firstly in our workshop we were given the task of creating the most abstract freeze frame possible, we were put into groups of 6,2 people being the directors and the remaining 4 creating the freeze frame, My group managed to produce a freeze frame based around a piece of scaffolding. We did this by placing people one by one on the scaffolding in ways, which we thought were different and challenging. Once we had created a successful freeze frame our teacher gave us the task of placing our tableau into context. When asked we had to give a performance to the class, still in the original freeze frame but with dialogue explaining our obscure positioning. The audience then had to work out what the situation the characters were stuck in simply by listening to the few lines of dialogue the cast spoke and paying close attention to the positioning and movement. The audience did guess the situation, which was good. We did a piece of dialogue that explained that we were stuck in a lift that had broken down. There are many reasons why we did this exercise the most important being to show the importance of physical action and how actions when used effectively can communicate to the audience with the character on stage and show the characters feelings through movements and not words. It also helped us understand that movement can help the audience understand the context of the play and that close attention must be given to the physical/visual elements of drama. After completing this task and discussing it we then moved into groups of 4. One person from each group was given a picture to examine for 1 minute only. Once their time was up they were asked to put the people in their group into the positions, they had been examining in the picture using only their memory. The director adjusted the actors one by one creating what they thought was an accurate copy of the original image they had been studying. The whole group then examined the picture and gave it a title, which they thought was appropriate to the events, taking place in the picture. The picture, which we had to recreate, was a still image of an old woman talking to a man; in the picture there was also a sheep and a little child. We named this image â€Å"shepherd lost in Italy†. By doing this it helped us realize that one picture can explain an entire scene without words and the importance of movement in a play. Our final exercise was to pick 3 major scenes from â€Å"a taste of honey† and present them through freeze frames with only one line of text from each character. The first part of the scene we chose to convey was when Geoff is trying to kiss Jo the lines we used were â€Å"let me kiss you† and Jo said â€Å"Leave me alone, get off me†. First we tried to create an image, which showed the audience the essence of the scene without dialogue. This didn’t go to successfully as the audience could not guess the moment they commented on our performance and said that we needed more physical contact than we had. At that time we had Geoff leaning in for the kiss and Jo leaning away. With the help of the rest of the class we decided that Geoff should be really trying to grab Jo whilst Jo pushes him away. This should hopefully show the audience exactly what Geoff is trying to do and Jo’s response without words being used. The next scene we used was when Peter enters the scene and Helen is pointing at him. Helen’s line is â€Å"I told you to wait outside† Peter responds â€Å"don’t point your bloody finger at me†. For this part of the scene it is very important that we include physical action as well as vocal strengths because the author is gives us a playwright clue on to how he wants these two lines to be acted out on stage Peter saying â€Å"don’t point your bloody finger at me tells us that Helen should be pointing her finger at Peter. We set this scene up with Helen and Peter standing in the entrance of the door with Helen pointing her finger at Peter and Peter slapping it away. This is showing the audience that Peter has authority over Helen. We then had Geoff and Jo sat on the sofa with facial expressions that showed they didn’t really care this shows the audience the relationship between Jo and her mother is blatantly not very secure. The whole point of this exercise was to help us see the importance of physical action in drama and that even if at a point in a play a character is on stage but has no lines, that character is still able to communicate to the audience via facial expressions and physical reaction to the surrounding situation. Before this workshop on movement our piece contained little physical action resulting in a mainly static performance on stage or movement without reason. We now see the difference between movement for a reason and movement without a reason. We plan to make a movement map next section to liven up our piece hopefully for the better.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Finance 3301 questions Essay

Tom has a DSO of 20 days. The company’s average daily sales are $20,000. What is the level of its accounts receivable? (365 days in a year) DSO=Receivables/(Annual sales/365)=20 days So, Receivables/($20,000/365days)=20 days Receivables/54. 79=20, Receivables=$1095. 89 A company has a profit margin of 10% and an equity multi-plier of 2. 0. Its sales are $100 million and it has total assets of $50 million. What is its ROE? () Answer: B A, 10% B, 40% C, 20% D, 25% The Total assets turnover = Sales/TA=$100/$50=2 ROE= (profit margin)(equity multi-plier)(Total assets turnover)=10%*2*2=40% Chapter 9 When the firm’s sales growth rate going higher, and its payout ratio will () Answer: C A, Same B, Lower C, Higher Broussard Skateboard’s sales are expected to increase by 15% from $8 million in 2012 to $9. 2 million in 2013. Its assets totaled $5 million at the end of 2012. Broussard is already at full capacity, so its assets must grow at the same rate as projected sales. At the end of 2012, current liabilities were $1. 4 million, consisting of $450,000 of accounts payable, $500,000 of notes payable, and $450,000 of accruals. The after-tax profit margin is forecasted to be 6%, and the forecasted payout ratio is 40%. Use the AFN equation to forecast Brous- sard’s additional funds needed for the coming year. Required increase in assets – Increase in spontaneous liabilities – Increase in retained earnings = AFN AFN=($5/$8)*$1. 2 – ($1. 4/$8)*$1. 2-$9. 2*6%*(1-40%)=0. 75 – 0. 21 – 0. 33=21% Chapter 10 Tony Company’s balance sheet shows $300 million in debt, $50 million in preferred stock, and $250 million in total common equity. Tony Company`s tax rate is 40%, rd =6%,rPS =5%,andrs =10%. If Tony Company get capital structure of 30% debt, 5% preferred stock, and 65% common stock, what is its WACC? Wd=30% ; Wps=5%; Ws=65% WACC=Wd*rd*(1-T)+Wps*rps+ws*rs=30%*6%(1-40%)+5%*5%+65%*10%=0. 0108+0. 000125+0. 065=7. 59% What kinds of the T-bonds is the best proxy for the risk-free rate is the yield on? Answer: A A, long-term B, short-term C, No one Chapter 11 A company creates value when the spread between EROIC and WACC is positive—that is, when Answer: B A, EROIC ? WACC = 0 B, EROIC ? WACC > 0; C, EROIC ? WACC

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Operational Risk Management in Banking Sector an Overview

ReseaRch PaPeR Commerce Volume : 3 | Issue : 1 | January 2013 | ISSN - 2249-555X Operational Risk Management in Banking Sector: An overview Keywords Rakesh Chutia Assistant, State Bank of India Margheita-786181 Dist.-Tinsukia Assam ABSTRACT Operational risk is inherent in all banking products, activities and processes and systems and the effective management of operational risk is of paramount importance for every bank’s board and senior management. With globalization and deregulation of financial markets, increased competition combined with the advent of high-end, innovative, sophisticated technology tremendous changes have taken place in the products distribution channels and service delivery mechanism of the banking†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Business disruption and system failures. For example, hardware and software failures, telecommunication problems, and utility outages. †¢ Execution, delivery and process management. For example: data entry errors, collateral management failures, incomplete legal documentation, and unauthorized access given to client accounts, non-client counterparty misperformance, and vendor disputes. OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS: Operational Risk management generally encompasses the process of identifying risks to the bank, measuring exposures to those risks), ensuring that an effective capital planning and monitoring programme is in place, monitoring risk exposures and corresponding capital needs on an ongoing basis, taking steps to control or mitigate risk exposures. †¢ Identification of operational risk. Banks should identify and assess the operational risk inherent in all products, services, activities, processes and systems. Effective risk identification should consider both internal factors (such as the bank’s structure, the nature of the bank’s activities, the quality of the bank’s human resources, organizational changes and employee turnover) and external factors (such as changes in the industry and technological advances) that could adversely affect the achievement of the bank’s objectives. †¢ Assessment of Operational Risk. In addition to identifying the risk events, banks should assess their vulnerability to these riskShow MoreRelatedDetails of a Research Study on the Foreign Exchange Process in the Tanzanian Banking System752 Words   |  3 Pagesdealers to modify trading procedures and operational procedures to help in managing the ever present risks. Until recently, Tanzania had a fixed foreign exchange system making foreign exchange risks unimportant and irrelevant issues to established domestic businesses. 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